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Tash chat with Eugenie about all things oral function on her top 1.5% worldwide podcast
Tash chats with Naturopath Jess Donovan from Natural Super Kids about all things reflux, sleep and feeding
Tash joins Lucia at the Brain Health Movement to chat about the importance of sleep quality for all children and how the importance may be even greater in those with neurodevelopmental challenges.
Tash joins Mel at The Face Place to devel into infant reflux, 'colic' tongue tie and the role of oral function in feeding
Tash joins Kayla and Tara to chat oral function, feeding and dummy use
Tash was invited to be features in the directory of aligned professionals int eh Conscious Mothers Group
Tash joins Nikki Milne to chat about her journey turning her passion for helping families navigate sleep challenges into her full time work
Featured on The Goodnight Show with Shea Morrison, talking all things Sleep Disordered Breathing
Featured on The Untethered Podcast
Featured in The West Australian newspaper, providing expert comment on a new study on what makes up a 'good' bedtime routines in early childhood.
Featured in The West Australian newspaper, alongside Paediatric ENT Dr Shyan Vijayasekaran, talking all things Sleep Disordered Breathing and why behavioural sleep training isn't the answer. 'A silent night is the Dream'
Featured on Mamamia's 'This Glorious Mess: Little Kids' podcast, talking all things Sleep Disordered Breathing
Our blog entry on how iron deficiency affects sleep generated lots of interest. and discussion.
Our blog entry on how screen time affects sleep featured by Maggie Dent
We were so happy Maggie shared our blog on Sleep Disordered Breathing to help educate parents. So much discussion and awareness was generated.
Answering the age old question as to why your child won't easily drift off if they are over tired.
Sick Happens shared a blog we wrote to educate parents in her audience during her 'Breathing 'Aint Easy' educational series. It generated a lot of interest, awareness and questions. Click
Amy featured our "Five Top Tips to help your kids sleep better", check out our highlights on Instagram to read all the tips!
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